
Walter Schroth

Walter A Schroth received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Forest Management from Colorado State University, his MBA from University of Idaho and is a four-year veteran of the US Air Force.  An aviation enthusiast, he holds a Commercial Pilots License with Single, Multi-Engine and Instrument ratings, having flown as a volunteer Search, Rescue and Disaster Relief pilot.

Walter is president and third generation owner of a forest and wood products company, Schroth Industries Inc., which works in the specialty, niche markets of the wood treating industry. 

Mr. Schroth is the President of the Indiana Area School Board (IASD), and the IASD Alternate, Joint Operating Committee member on the Indiana County Technology Center.  Walter is a board member for the Tri-County Workforce Investment Board (TCWIB) and Co-Chairs the TCWIB's youth committee.  He is also a member of the Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee for the PA Department of Environmental Protection.  Mr. Schroth is one of the founding board members of the Challenger Learning Center of Indiana, PA, and currently serves as that board's Vice President.

Walter is married to Sandra and they have one son, Walter Adrian Schroth - a recent graduate of the University of Idaho.