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Dr. Gerald Zahorchak

Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak worked at various Pennsylvania public school districts in a number of positions, including teacher, football coach, principal, federal programs director, strategic planning coordinator and personnel director. Dr. Zahorchak worked as superintendent of the Greater Johnstown School District in Cambria County from 1997 to 2003, when he was chosen to be Deputy Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education for the state.

Governor Ed Rendell appointed him Secretary of Education in 2005.  During his tenure as secretary, Dr. Zahorchak implemented state funding for pre-kindergarten and full-day kindergarten, developed a new school funding formula, helped increase education funding for school districts, and established the Keystone Exams and the state's Standards Aligned System. In 2010, Dr. Zahorchak announced he would leave the Secretary of Education position, coinciding with Rendell's pending departure from the governorship.

In 2010, Jerry was selected to be superintendent of the Allentown School District in Allentown, Pennsylvaniafor two years and then served as superintendent of the Johnstown School District for another three years.

Dr. Zahorchak is currently teaching at the University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown as an Associate Professor of Education and the Chair of the Education Division.